Android Mobile:
Android Mobile often called as Android Phone started its journey with operating system named as ANDROID invented by Google.Inc, US. The most common features of an ANDROID PHONE powered the people to stay in touch with world in many ways specifically through World Wide Web initially, using an installation on an Electronic Device
Futures of Android:
The Android platform provides the Mobile users the facility to install different Applications usually Android Apps, made by “ANDROID APP DEVELOPERS”. These apps are based on specific coding techniques using different Software Development Tool Kits (SDK) through JAVA and other supporting languages.
We can install apps like Youtube Apps, Google Apps, Web Browsers Apps, Gaming Apps, Social Apps, Shopping Apps, Travel Apps and many more on Android platform.
Major Area of Android development:
The major feature that boosted the success of Android is its USER INTERFACE. The User Interface played the major role in success of Android Mobile as well as its Application Installation Support.
Look and feel of an Android mobile is totally User Friendly with a Screen Touch Interface that added power to human figure tips.
Downloading Android Apps:
Google has given two wings to users for download of Android Applications i.e., through Google Play Store by offering two types of downloads:
1. Paid apps download
2. Free apps download
Paid apps:
Usually Paid Apps allows registered users to download by paying certain amount and give apps with validity as well. Even every time when versions are updated, then it supports its users for updating to new Versions with in intervals and support.
Free apps:
Usually Free Apps allows Google Registered users (Gmail users) to download the apps that are free for use. As they come with low maintenance, with less version updates and requires less support.
Other Apps Downloads:
Android is also powered with APK Files installations for devices. Usually these Apk files can be found directly from the App Developer site, either paid one or as free with an extension of .APK
Android Apps Developers:
The Google Powered the App Developers initially and provided the resources as anOPEN SOURCE DEVELOPMENT. So initially Apps were developed by Google only. Later on many other App development companies and individual Android App Developers came into Light, Android thus Empowering Android Software Development IT Companies.
Android Device Designers / Android Phone Manufacture Companies:
There are Many Device Manufacturing companies like Motorola, HTC, Samsung, Sony, LG, Acer, Alcatel, Asus, Huawei and ZTE, etc. Even Blackberry and Google is a part of such companies.
Google itself manufactured Android Phones Named Nexus with different models. Although Google owns the Android OS, it have partnered with numerous phone manufacturers to make their own-brand of smartphones under the name, 'Nexus'.
Android OS updates:
Google is continuously working on new versions releases of Android software to power user more within frequent intervals of time usually about every 6+ months.
Following are the updates of Android Operating Systems that came from Google:
- Android 1.5 Cupcake
- Android 1.6 Donut
- Android 2.1 Éclair
- Android 2.2 Froyo
- Android 2.3 Ginger Bread
- Android 3.2 Honeycomb
- Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
- Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
- Android 4.2 Jelly Bean
- Android 4.3 Jelly Bean
- Android 4.4 KitKat
- Android 5.0 Lollipop
- The latest version is Android Marshmallow: Android 6.0, launched recently on Nexus 5X and Nexus 6.
Android Tablets are unlike Android phones, which comes with a wide range of screen resolution starting from 7-inch screen. As the OPERATING SYSTEM contains ANDROID it was named as ANDROID TABLETS.
Honeycomb is the first Operating system launched on TABLETS with Android version 3.2, which is the first OS project specifically for a tablets partenered with Motorola Xoom.
The bigger size of screen found on Google Nexus 10 made by Asus with displays 10-inch. Android Tablets now comes with the benefit of redesigning Applications like YouTube app, with improved specifications and tools like offline button with futureSwiftKey for Tablets.
This crumbling between Android phones and tablets was eradicated with Ice-Cream Sandwich OS.Where it started the Trend of Running same App on Both Devices using Development of Xamarin or Cross Platform apps called Hybrid Apps which has support to run on iPhone/iPad as well as Blackberry.