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Get set to Buy iPlayer app coming to Apple TV soon

 Get set to Buy iPlayer app coming to Apple TV soon

iPlayer app coming to Apple TV 

TV is a major part of our lives. We gather together around our big screens to watch big movies and big events. Yet somehow, the overall experience of TV has continued to stagnate. Until now. It all starts by recognising that apps are the future of television. Apps are quickly becoming how we watch today. So we built a new foundation around this vision — with a new operating system called tvOS and innovative ways to connect with your screen. This is the new Apple TV. This is where television is headed

Available on over 10,000 devices

iPlayer was absent on earlier Apple TVs, despite the fact it is on other platforms including Amazon's Fire TV, Roku, Google Chromecast, Sky's Now TV box and several video game consoles.

Earlier this month, the MacRumors news site reported that two Bournemouth-based developers had created a tvOS app they dubbed Auntie Player to demonstrate that it would be relatively easy for the BBC to support the new platform.

"I think it's very difficult for any internet-based video streaming service to launch in the UK without it now.


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