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Roadmap suggests hard drive storage will exceed 100TB by 2025 !

Roadmap suggests hard drive storage will exceed 100TB by 2025 !

storage, hard drive, data, 100tb

Roadmap suggests hard drive storage will exceed 100TB by 2025 storage, hard drive, data, 100tb

By John Williamson on November 27, 2014, 8:45 AM

The Advanced Storage Technology Consortium has released its latest report which predicts mechanical disk drives will skyrocket to 100TB by 2025. Data use has risen exponentially over the last few years due to 4k video and megatextures in newer game engines. Back in September, HGST unveiled a 10TB 3.5” hard drive which implements shingled magnetic recording technology to increase the capacity without adding to the number of total platters.

Even though capacities have expanded to 10TB using this process, it seems like the limits of storage expansion are already being reached.

Currently, mechanical drives utilize perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) techniques which operate at a maximum areal density of 0.86Tbpsi. Future storage devices are destined to use heat assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) which should, according to Forbes, increase the annual areal density growth rate from 15% to 30%.