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Most awesome 18 video games of the 1990’s that you must have played !!

Most awesome 18 video games of the 1990’s that you must have played !!
While video games are so graphically rich and visually inviting these days, back in the 90’s the big gaming companies were still in their larva stage and the games though not a visual extravaganza but defined awesomeness for the kids and the console was a device that could turn your television into a magic box of characters that you could control, come and take a refreshing dive in the pool of nostalgia, these games were not much of the graphic miracles we have  nowadays but they have their own charm, starting with

1. Contra
A real gem from Konami, coolest thing ever to happen in the gaming industry.
Contra Base

2. Alladin
Rolling out the Arabian Nights.

3. Street Fighter II
Let’s kick some virtual ass.
Street Fighter

4. Tekken 3
King and his lethal combos.
Tekken 3

5. Mortal Combat
Approaching “Sub-Zero” Temperatures.
Mortal Combat

6. King of Fighters
Kyo and Iori.
The King of Fighters

7. Cadillac and Dinosaurs a.k.a Mustapha
Beat’em Up.

8. Duck Hunt
And we all hated this dog.
duck hunt

9. Adventure Island
Skateboards spouting out of eggs.

Adventure Island

10. Circus Charlie
The one with that annoying background music that you can’t get out of your head.

circus charlie

circus charlie

11. Super Mario Bros
The classic.

12. Tetris
The one you’ve yelled expletives at and still do.

13. Double Dragon
The one you stamped as lame but still loved to play.
double dragon

14. Road Rash
Bikers using Nunchuks.
road rash

15. Pacman
On a quest to pop cherries.

16. Pinball
The one you never actually got.

17. Chip and Dale
The Rescue Rangers.
chip & dale

18. Snakes
Perpetual, vicious and helped in selling Nokia phones.