An accident or mishap is an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, often with lack of intention or necessity. It usually implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence.Carelessness,wrong attitude,inexperience,street racing these are some of the root cause of accident. Accidents of particularly common types (crashing of automobiles, events causing fire, etc.) are investigated to identify how to avoid them in the future. This is sometimes called root cause analysis, but does not generally apply to accidents that cannot be deterministically predicted. A root cause of an uncommon and purely random accident may never be identified, and thus future similar accidents remain “accidental”.Accident Avoidance System Cars
Actually the accident happens in our daily life in various places at various circumstances. We all reading Newspapers daily about terrible accidents happening around us. But, still we are not at all finding a permanent remedy for it. As an embedded Engineer I like to contribute my contribution up-to my extent to the world. The over-speed, drowsy while driving, unconditioned brake system, talking phone while driving, and consuming alcohol on driving these are some of the undeniable facts for the cause of accident. So, if we overcome these parameters surely we could avoid the accident up-to some extent. If the accident happened unfortunately, after it happens it’s a very difficult task for claiming their insurance, unable to intimate the occurrence of accidents to the nearest hospital, their concern relatives and to the nearest police station. I am trying to fulfilling these criteria’s by my ideas.
We can easily claim the insurance if we are having the reasonable evidence for the cause of accident. So here my idea is to implement the same concept of the black box in the flight to car. By recording interval of every 5 secs by the camera with certain memory system inside the car itself. And it could get erased after some period of time so that it can record the recent happenings in the memory even if the accident occurred unfortunately we can analyze the nature of accident by retrieving the memory system.
Over speed is another parameter for the cause of accident, so here I like to employ the speed sensors on the wheel (tachometer) for sensing the speed of the wheel. If the car exceeds some extent of speed then the car needs to automatically sends message i.e., the speed information to the concern department and to respective owner of the car. So that the necessary actions could be taken further to do not repeat the same.
For alert the drowsiness of driver we can use a high configure mobile application that warns drivers with a blinking light and noise alert if they appear distracted or drowsy behind the wheel. The app uses technology to mimic fancier car safety systems by detecting signs of trouble that could lead to accidents. Modern phones with cameras facing both front and back allow the app to monitor a driver’s head pose, eyes and blinking rate to detect possible distraction or drowsiness, even as it keeps watch on the road ahead, “We can determine the distance between cars in front and whether a driver is changing lanes on the outside, while detecting drowsiness and distraction inside,” The phone sits mounted on a dashboard holder as a hands-free helper for drivers. Whenever the car safety app detects any dangerous patterns in driver behavior or outside conditions, it warns the driver with a blinking light and a noise alert.
“When the phone camera is looking at the driver, we can use accelerometer sensors to detect if the car is weaving. We use sensors to fill in when the camera is looking at the wrong place,”
Unless someone is up all night, it’s difficult to predict whether they’ll be tired or not, so these ideas surely will be remedy for avoiding the accident.
Actually the accident happens in our daily life in various places at various circumstances. We all reading Newspapers daily about terrible accidents happening around us. But, still we are not at all finding a permanent remedy for it. As an embedded Engineer I like to contribute my contribution up-to my extent to the world. The over-speed, drowsy while driving, unconditioned brake system, talking phone while driving, and consuming alcohol on driving these are some of the undeniable facts for the cause of accident. So, if we overcome these parameters surely we could avoid the accident up-to some extent. If the accident happened unfortunately, after it happens it’s a very difficult task for claiming their insurance, unable to intimate the occurrence of accidents to the nearest hospital, their concern relatives and to the nearest police station. I am trying to fulfilling these criteria’s by my ideas.
We can easily claim the insurance if we are having the reasonable evidence for the cause of accident. So here my idea is to implement the same concept of the black box in the flight to car. By recording interval of every 5 secs by the camera with certain memory system inside the car itself. And it could get erased after some period of time so that it can record the recent happenings in the memory even if the accident occurred unfortunately we can analyze the nature of accident by retrieving the memory system.
Over speed is another parameter for the cause of accident, so here I like to employ the speed sensors on the wheel (tachometer) for sensing the speed of the wheel. If the car exceeds some extent of speed then the car needs to automatically sends message i.e., the speed information to the concern department and to respective owner of the car. So that the necessary actions could be taken further to do not repeat the same.
“When the phone camera is looking at the driver, we can use accelerometer sensors to detect if the car is weaving. We use sensors to fill in when the camera is looking at the wrong place,”
Unless someone is up all night, it’s difficult to predict whether they’ll be tired or not, so these ideas surely will be remedy for avoiding the accident.