A central processing unit (CPU), also referred to as a central processor unit, is the hardware within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the system. The term has been in use in the computer industry at least since the early 1960s.[2] The form, design, and implementation of CPUs have changed over the course of their history, but their fundamental operation remains much the same.
'body farm' closer look ! Warning dnt see if you dont like to see body decomposition
A closer look at a 'body farm' In this video by Vox, we get a gruelling insight into the process of human decomposition. It neatly details each stage of decomposition, and gives us an actual view of each stage. If you can get past the fact that these are actual people, (who donated their bodies for exactly this purpose,) it's actually a bit sobering to see what happens to your body after death. That is, unless you opt for cremation. And I get the feeling that some of you may want to do that after seeing the video. :) WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT please dont see this video if you dont like to see body decomposition and some of the video pics are like this now I warn you guys please make sure........................ :) A closer look at a 'body farm' In this video by Vox, we get a gruelling insight into the process of human decomposition. It neatly details each stage of decomposition, and gives us an actual view of each stage. If you...