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Computer Tutorial How Binary Code Works !

Computer Tutorial How Binary Code Works !
how a binary code play a major role to receive inputs From Electronic KEYBORD here for you !!
It is all done by building electronic circuits which you can apply a set of binary inputs to (i.e. it may have two, or eight, or 32 input terminals), and get a different set of binary outputs from (maybe more, or less, or the same number). Then the outputs can be split up and sent around to different circuits as the inputs, and out come some different binary outputs again. The circuits don't "understand" anything, they just do what they were built for. It is the circuit designer who understands the precise way in which the output is USEFULLY related to the input.
Maurice Wilkes completed the EDSAC, the first fully working computer in the world, at Cambridge, UK in May 1949. It was about eighteen months before a second computer, SWAC in the USA, was operational. Of course everybody wanted to know how the EDSAC worked, and he wrote it up in a FOUR-PAGE article for the monthly "Journal of Scientific Instruments". It shows the circuit diagrams of the key elements, and describes how the binary instruction stream is sequentially fetched and made to trigger changes in the stored data. If you read this article, you will be amazed that the basic principles have hardly changed in 60 years. Of course John von Neumann of IAS Princeton should get more of the credit, because the elegance and simplicity is in his design, but Wilkes was better at putting it into practice.
at any time there is a specific place (address) in memory that the computer is reading from to execute these instructions... So if the program is at address 500 and it finds a byte sequence which means read an integer into Register EAX from address 10000, it will process that instruction and go on to the next address to see what the next instruction is. What I've told you is not 100% true in modern machines (or even many computers built in the past 20 years) but its close enough to get you the idea.